The Natural Birth & Beyond Method
I have a new approach to natural birth, one that builds upon the power of the mind. There is no greater power than that of the mind, so why wouldn’t we start there when it comes to the power of a natural unmedicated birth? While all the other birth classes focus on what to do while in labor, none of them teach you to focus on paradigms to create new and lasting beliefs. Learn with me, Change your paradigm-Change your life-Change your birth.
16 Videos
0 Quizzes
8 Worksheets
8 Files

Dysfunctional Labor Maneuvers (DLM)
This course is designed for birth professionals such as midwives, RN's, OB/GYN, childbirth educators, doulas, prenatal yoga instructors, chiropractors, massage therapists, etc... Dysfunctional Labor Maneuvers (DLM) offers a unique approach to solving many complications that arise and prevent physiologic birth. DLM will help the practitioner find natural and gentle solutions to long painful labors, malpositioned babies, or dystocias to decrease the need for operative deliveries or c-sections.
17 Videos
12 Quizzes
2 Worksheets
27 Files

Advanced Fascial Release Training
Learn how the connective tissue called fascia can free or restrict the body. During pregnancy there is a lot of changes in the body which may create restrictions or make old restrictions worse. Help free the tissue to create space for the baby to easily get into it's optimal position for birth.
1 Video
0 Quizzes
1 Worksheet
1 File

Advanced Peanut Ball Strategies for Labor
Learn unique and new ways to use the peanut ball with the different stations of the baby to create more space, mobility, and help facilitate the cardinal movements of labor.
10 Videos
0 Quizzes
0 Worksheets
0 Files

Emotion Code Session
The Emotion Code is a powerful method of finding and releasing trapped negative emotions that have been stored in the body through our subconscious minds’ desire to protect us from further suffering.
0 Video
0 Quiz
0 Worksheet
0 File

The Birth Biz Program
Live your purpose and learn to scale your business to heights you never imagined. The Birth Biz is a 6 month program with 12 Powerful Lessons and 2 Payment options.
0 Videos
0 Quizzes
0 Worksheets
0 Files

A VBAC Mini Session
For women who want to know how they can have a great VBAC experience. 90 minute Consultation
0 Videos
0 Quizzes
0 Worksheets
0 Files

The Natural Birth Mini Session
A consultation for women who want to enjoy every moment of their natural birth.
0 Videos
0 Quizzes
0 Worksheets
0 Files

The Birth Debrief Mini Session
If you had a difficult birth and still have unresolved feelings of grief, anger, or confusion. I can help you release your negative feelings so you can free yourself to feel happier.
0 Videos
0 Quizzes
0 Worksheets
0 Files

For Dad's Only Mini Session
New Dad advice from an experienced labor and delivery nurse and mindset coach.
0 Video
0 Quiz
0 Worksheet
0 File

The Birth Biz Mini Session
Find your spark in your profession again.
0 Video
0 Quiz
0 Worksheet
0 File

Manifest Your Birth Your Way
Learn how to use the Law of Attraction to create and manifest your empowered birth experience.
10 Videos
0 Quizzes
1 Worksheet
0 Files

The Birth Preparation Class
Join me for The Pregnancy, Labor, & Birth Preparation Class, designed to empower expectant parents like you with the knowledge, confidence, and practical skills necessary for a positive birthing experience. Whether you are a first-time parent or have previous birthing experience, this class will provide you with valuable information and tools to help you feel prepared and informed.
8 Videos
0 Quizzes
0 Worksheets
0 Files